The brain is a very essential organ for all kinds of functioning. It is enclosed in a protective bony space to protect it.Sometimes, though, a strong blow to the head shakes the brain hard in its bony enclosure, causing injury. Because the brain is such a vital organ, a small injury can produce a big effect in function.
In the United States, recent media attention has focused on NFL football players, and before that on boxers. However, much larger numbers are caused by auto accidents – and this is all over the world. Wars and muggings all over the world are other common causes.
At the outset, it is important to distinguish between acute incidents – concussion and mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). These represent 75% of all TBIs in general. Fortunately, most people have no consequences and recover normally within a few days to a few months. This recovery can be accelerated rapidly by using an eRemedy selected by
In some cases -- especially after repeated injuries occurring within hours or days or even months of the original injury – chronic effects can occur which lead to significant debility later in life from deposition of proteins (tau proteins) in the region of the injuries.
Many people experience blows to the head, and most do not develop a concussion or TBI. However, parents and family members, coaches and emergency-room doctors are all concerned about diagnosing concussion and severity of trauma.
How to diagnose concussion and TBI
Once there is an injury, it is important to avoid further injury and rest. If available, evaluation in an emergency room is needed for a CT (computerized tomography using X-rays), and for a blood test to estimate brain cell damage (S100B astrocyte-glial protein, made from brain cells). Unfortunately, in many parts of the world such facilities are not readily available, so the following signs can be observed:
Thinking: any difficulties in memory or reasoning. Mental processes are slowed down. Decreased concentration for mental exertion. Poor memory for new information – perhaps keeping track of a movie plot, or forgetting appointments.
Physical: alterations of touch, taste, smell. Especially headache. Altered balance, stumbling around, poor reflexes. Blurred vision. Dizzyness. Low energy. Nausea or vomiting. Sensitivity to noise or light.
Language: communication problems, lack of expression on face. Poor understanding of what is told or happening.
Emotions: Depression. Anxiety. Personality changes. Aggression. Acting out. Irritability and even violence. Social inappropriateness, as if intoxicated.
Sleep: Either too much sleep, or less sleep than normal. Uncharacteristic inability to fall asleep.
Once a doctor sees you, a neurological exam will be done to look for uneven or unresponding pupils in the eyes, interference with motion of the eyes, sensory deficits anywhere on the body, asymmetric reflexes. Any of these suggest a significant problem.
Especially if there has been loss of consciousness, you will be evaluated by the Glasgow Coma Score:
If any of these signs are present, a CT or MRI will be done. First it is important to rule out a “subdural hematoma” (bleeding between the brain and skull) which can be drained by drilling a hole in the skull. This can save a life! Next, swelling or bleeding that deviates the midline structures of the brain to the side suggest damage.
Here is an example of a CT scan from a basketball player’s injury:
Generally, CT scan is considered the best way to visualize a lesion, but there are papers that suggest MRI (magnetic resonance imagery) might be better:
EM Horn et al: Barrow Quarterly, vol 19 (2003)
Finally, there now is a blood test called S100B protein (astroglial protein made from brain cells). Normal is < 0.1 µg/L. If this reaches over about 2.5 µg/L, traumatic brain injury is presumed. This is not a perfect test, however, because this protein can come from bruised or sore muscles as well in athletes; nevertheless, it is an important clue as part of the whole pattern of symptoms, neurological signs, CT, and blood test.
What to do if you have a concussion or mild TBI
First, try an eRemedy chosen by the expert system found at Otherwise, there are some basic precautions that should be taken.
Rest: get plenty of sleep, take off work for a few days or weeks, avoid strenuous activity.
Avoid further blows: Boxers and athletes should certainly take time off. Further blows within hours or days or even weeks can lead to long-lasting effects.
Avoid driving: Reflexes can be impaired and comprehension slowed. So driving should be avoided until cleared by doctors evaluated neurological signs.
Avoid alcohol and drugs: The only medication allowed should be those prescribed by a doctor.
Relearn lost skills: Some common skills might be lost as a result of brain damage, so you might need to take time to relearn them, whether they are physical or mental.
When to seek medical attention
When symptoms get worse, the consequences can be serious. In that case, even if it is difficult, it is important to seek medical attention to rule out treatable hemorrhage or fluid pressure built up inside the skull. Moreover, eRemedies in these instances will not likely help.
Signs of serious trouble:
Repeat vomiting
Worsening headache
Involuntary sleepiness during usual waking hours
Confusion, restlessness
Increasing difficulties with vision
Denial: [an important tip – listen to family or friends if they say something is wrong]
Longterm TBI (traumatic brain injury)
Unfortunately, severe damage or repeated smaller damages as in soldiers, athletes, or boxers can lead to destruction of brain tissue or deposition of a protein called tau protein. Here is a picture of loss of tissue:
A result of this might be a seizure disorder. If tau protein develops, it can lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s. Parkinson’s disease can happen, impairing speech and coordination.
eRemedies are not likely to help in such cases. They are designed for acute problems. However, classical homeopathy itself can be very helpful, so seeking out such a practitioner is an important option to follow.