


  • Click on Start button (below).
  • Answer a few minutes of simple questions to elucidate what is unique about your sprained joint-- to diagnose the best choice of eRemedy!
  • Register and checkout to get your eRemedy
  • You receive an email in your inbox.
  • Play the MP3 eRemedy just as you would play a song.
  • Play the eRemedy according to the prescribed schedule.

What are eRemedies? They are  brief sound files with healing frequencies matched uniquely to what is unique about the details of your sprain. It is not music, auto-hypnosis or relaxing sounds. They have been used by centuries-old energy medicine doctors. Dr. Bill Gray, Stanford-trained MD, has extracted them into digital files that can be played on your digital device. Each "dose" lasts 15 seconds. They are completely safe, have no side effects, do not require a headset, and usually produce practically instant relief.

When you have an ankle sprain, knee sprain, back sprain, or other joint sprain, your sprain can very rapidly healed by playing an appropriately chosen eRemedy on your cellphone, tablet, or computer.



Let’s get started!
Get direct rapid relief by dosing with the eRemedy uniquely selected for your situation, please register first, then fill the questionnaire.

Want to try out the questions without registration view Q&A

Payment options

Each module = $0 for free offerings and $5 for paid modules. Each module enables enough dosing plays for 3 days. Payment can be made by PayPal or credit card via Secure Checkout.

Additionally, you may add any amount as a tax-deductible donation if you desire, to provide free coupons for users in the developing world for treatments of severe conditions such as malaria, typhoid, cholera, TB, AIDS, or Ebola!


ABOUT Sprain

View dedicated page for more medical information about Sprain.



Find out more about Dr. Bill Gray Founder of MD in Your Hand



View more details about the science behind technology we based our eRemedys on.




ME, Berkeley, CA

I was told about Dr. Gray’s internet homeopathics and immediately looked into it because I had a very painful torn deltoid muscle. I tried it and have to say for a set of treatments, one remedy, costing just $5 it was a miracle. After the 1st treatment, there were 20 for the $5 remedy, my shoulder was fully well. This is in light of the fact that I had just gotten over tearing the other deltoid on my other arm, which took 6 months to heal. The next day I did 3 more treatments and the pain started to come and go but in general the muscle pain was 60% better, without stopping work. And within 2 weeks the condition only had about 10% of the pain so just about fully healed. Now after about 3 weeks, the condition is just about gone. I am completely amazed at this. At the start of the treatments a lot of things happened in my body, mainly muscular issues. It felt like the remedy was scanning my body and finding blocks from maybe old injuries or issues and dealing with them as well. I’ve spent my life working as a ballet dancer now teacher and bodyworker and I am very sensitive to my body and what’s going on with it. It felt like a lot of healing was going on of things that have been with my body for years. It’s just astounding how an mp3 off the internet can do this. I do believe this is the medicine of the future and certainly worth a try.


PK, SF Bay Area

After surgery, as in very great pain, no appetite, strong nausea even at the thought of food. Ars eRemedy given. Pain reduced dramatically, appetite regained, no nausea.



After an accident involving a bruise to my face a few days ago, I had to buy a heavy makeup product to cover the bruising. Then I found the eRemedy for Bruising/Wounds. I noticed an improvement on the first day of use. The purplish color of the bruise was reduced. I am on the second day of use, and this product has already exceeded my expectations! In fact, I did not need the heavier makeup product for the first time since it occurred. Thank you for creating such a helpful product.